715-639-2615 | 111 N. Main St. Elmwood, WI 54740 | Hours: Mon/Wed/Fri 10am-4pm, Tues/Thurs 1pm-6pm, Sat 9am-12pm director@elmwoodlibrary.org

Our Mission:

The Elmwood Public Library will provide and encourage the community to utilize the library as an information source for enrichment, education, and recreation. 

Elmwood Library Policies



The Elmwood Public Library is a member of the Indianhead Federated Library System (IFLS), a consortium of over 53 public libraries. Circulation is open to all registered library cardholders who reside in the state of Wisconsin.

Patron Responsibility

When becoming a library cardholder, the patron agrees to comply with the policies of each IFLS member library and accepts the following responsibilities:

  • Library materials checked out are the sole responsibility of the patron whose card was used for checkout.
  • Patron agrees to return all borrowed items by the due date
  • Patron will pay replacement costs assessed for lost, unreturned, or damaged items.
  • Patron will not lend their card to others.
  • Patron will report changes in address, phone number, and email.
  • Patron will report lost or stolen cards.
  • Patron will obey the rules of behavior when visiting the library.
  • When signing a registration card for a child under the age of 18, the patron accepts full responsibility for lost or damaged items and accepts responsibility to monitor and approve the child’s choice of library materials and other information resources.

Library Cards

Adults (18 years or older) are required to fill out a registration form and show proof of Wisconsin residency to receive their library card.

Children and Young Adults (under age 18) may receive a library card with the consent of their parent or legal guardian. Upon signing the registration card for a minor, the parent or legal guardian accepts legal responsibility for late fees, lost materials, and any damage to library materials.

Lost cards: There is a 50 cent charge to replace lost cards.

Loan Periods

Materials available for circulation can be checked out for the following periods:

  • 7 days – all videos, DVDs, and magazines
  • 14 days – TV series on DVD
  • 3 weeks – all books, audiobooks, and CDs

There is a limit of 100 items for checkout on the MORE online catalog.


Borrowed materials may be renewed twice unless there is a hold on the item for another patron. An item that has a hold on it may not be renewed. Items may be renewed on the MORE online catalog from any computer with Internet access, at the circulation desk, or by telephone at 1-866-MY-RENEW.

Purchase Requests

If the library does not own an item that you need, you may make a recommendation to the Library Director. The request will then be considered for purchase at the discretion of the Library Director.


Borrowed materials can be returned at the circulation desk or in the outside drop box


Elmwood Public Library does not charge overdue fees for our materials. Please enjoy our resources and then return them by their due date. You could still receive overdue fees from other libraries. If an item is 35 days overdue then the library will charge the users for the cost of the item.

Patrons accumulating fines exceeding $10.00 will lose their borrowing privileges until the fines are paid down under $10.00 or paid off completely.

Overdue Notices

The following overdue notice schedule shall be followed apart from noted exceptions:

First notice at 7 days after due date

Second notice at 14 days after due date

Replacement bill at 28 days after due date

After the 28 day notice library staff may attempt to secure the return of the library materials through individual letters and telephone calls.  In addition, library staff may refer customers with overdue items to the Elmwood Police Department.

Lost or Damaged Items

The cost for replacing lost or damaged items varies and will be determined by the Library Director. If an item is lost or damaged, please notify the library as soon as possible.


Patrons of the Elmwood Public Library have the right to use library materials and services without being unduly disturbed or impeded by others. Both patrons and library staff have the right to a secure and congenial environment. Inappropriate behavior is not allowed.

Inappropriate behavior includes any activity that disturbs others, interferes with library operations, or damages the building or its furnishings. It also includes rudeness, profanity, or any other behavior generally considered unacceptable in a public place.

Failure to comply with the following rules may result in the loss of library privileges.


1. Any behavior that disrupts or hinders library operations is prohibited.

2. Patrons shall be engaged in activities associated with the use of a public library while in the building. Board games have been provided for patron use, and the responsible use of these games is considered an appropriate activity.

3. Reasonable quiet is expected. No patron may disturb others using the library. Use of electronic devices in a manner that disturbs others is prohibited.

4. Misconduct including using foul or threatening language and gestures; willfully annoying others; exhibiting evidence of drunkenness or drug use; engaging in the sale or exchange of alcohol or drugs; persistently talking or laughing at an inappropriate volume, creating a public nuisance by running, pushing, fighting, staring, talking, soliciting, loitering, or littering; or other behavior deemed offensive by library staff will result in expulsion from the building and suspension of library privileges.

5. Blocking or obstructing an entrance, exit, or sidewalk is not permitted. Individuals or groups may not loiter in or around the library.

6. The library assumes no responsibility for the care and supervision of children. The library’s Safe Child Policy must be followed at all times.

7. Selling products or services, soliciting donations or business, or distributing materials not approved by the Library Director, is prohibited on library property. Exceptions may be made for library-sponsored programs or when otherwise authorized by the Library Director. Panhandling is not permitted on library property.

8. Taking surveys, circulating petitions, and similar activities are permitted in the library only when authorized by the Library Director.

9. Consumption of food and drink in the library are regulated by the Food and Drink Policy.

10. Smoking and use of tobacco products is prohibited in the library and on library grounds.

11. Consumption of alcoholic beverages or possession of open containers of alcoholic beverages is not permitted on library property, except as part of a program authorized by the Library Director.

12. Only service animals, service animal trainees, and animals featured in programs sponsored by the library are permitted in the building.

13. Patrons shall not be permitted to enter the building without footwear or without a shirt or other appropriate covering of their bodies.

14. Unreasonable use of the restrooms, including laundering, shaving, hair cutting or trimming, and bathing, is prohibited. Persons whose bodily hygiene is so offensive as to constitute a nuisance to other library users or staff will be asked to leave.

15. Sleeping is not allowed in the library when it interferes with library services or other users.

16. Library materials must be returned on time and in good condition. Failure to return materials deprives others in need of those materials.

17. A library patron who tampers with the hardware or software of any library computer or destroys computer equipment will forfeit all library privileges and will be subject to financial liability for damages.

18. Violation of federal or state laws or local ordinances is not permitted on library property. Theft, vandalism, and mutilation of library property will be prosecuted. The library reserves the right to inspect all bags, briefcases, backpacks, and other such items when the staff has reason to believe this rule has been violated. Personal belongings should not be left unattended, and the library has no responsibility for such items.

19. Misrepresenting eligibility for services or identity in order to receive library services is prohibited. Misrepresenting identity may be prosecuted as a felony.

It is a charge of the library staff to see that the rights of individuals to use of the library are upheld. The staff is obligated to enforce these rules so that the facility can be used to the fullest by all persons. Questions regarding the interpretation of these rules will be referred to the Library Director.


Appendix A: Request forMaterial Review

Appendix B: Library Bill of Rights

Appendix C: Freedom to Read Statement

Appendix D: Freedom to View Statement


Elmwood Public Library (“the library”) supports and connects Elmwood community members by providing free and open access to information, materials, and services that contribute to lifelong learning and enjoyment for people of all ages and backgrounds.

The library strives to build a collection of materials of popular and current interest as well as enduring value. The basis of selection shall be inclusivity. Because of the volume of publishing, as well as the limitations of budget and space, the library must have a collection development policy. This policy is used by the library staff in the selection, withdrawal, and reconsideration of materials. It also serves to acquaint the general public with the principles of selection.

The responsibility for this policy governing the inclusion of materials in the library collection rests solely with the Library Board of Trustees.


The actual task of selection has been delegated to the Library Director who chooses materials for residents and taxpayers of all ages, backgrounds, and opinions. The Library Director uses a variety of resources to select materials for the collection such as professional journals and reviews, material demand levels, and requests from patrons. When evaluating items for selection, consideration will be given to but not be limited by the following criteria:

  • Is the item in popular demand?
  • Is the item relevant?
  • Does the item contribute to a useful, balanced, and diverse library collection?
  • Is the item’s information current/up to date?
  • Is the item’s information grounded in good scholarship?
  • Is the format suitable for the collection and for community needs?
  • Does the item’s purchase fit into the library’s budget?

The collection should reflect the diversity of people and experiences worldwide. The collection should also contain the various positions expressed on important or controversial questions, including unpopular or controversial beliefs or views. This provides an arena for individuals to freely examine issues and make independent decisions. Selection of a given item for the library’s collections should not be interpreted as an endorsement of a particular viewpoint.

The Library’s primary, but not exclusive, sources of reviews are Booklist, ALA recommended lists, area newspapers, the New York Times Best Sellers/Review of Books, book seller reviews and other library journals. The lack of a review or an unfavorable review shall not be the sole reason for not selecting a title which meets other selection criteria. The library also depends heavily, but not exclusively, upon library user demand for materials when making purchasing decisions.

Intellectual Freedom

The library and the Library Board of Trustees uphold the democratic right of all Americans to freely express their thoughts and ideas, both popular and unpopular. We support the right of each individual to privately read, listen, and view the full range of published thoughts and ideas. The Library Board of Trustees considers reading, listening, and viewing to be individual, private matters. The Library Board of Trustees believes that full, confidential, and unrestricted access to information is essential for patrons to exercise their constitutional rights. While anyone is free to select or reject materials for themselves or their own minor child(ren), the freedom of others to read or inquire will not be restricted. Only parents and guardians have the right and responsibility to guide and direct the reading, listening, and viewing choices of their own minor child(ren). The Library does not stand in the place of parents (in loco parentis).

The Library and the Library Board of Trustees adhere to the principles stated in the Library Bill of Rights (Appendix B) as well as the Freedom to Read Statement and Freedom to View Statement published by the American Library Association (Appendices C, D).

The Library collection will be organized, marked, and maintained to help people find the materials they want. Any labeling, sequestering, or alteration of materials because of controversy surrounding the author or the subject matter will not be sanctioned.

Constitutional Protection

The Library Board of Trustees considers all materials selected under this policy to be constitutionally protected under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution and the Wisconsin State Constitution. If a court having jurisdiction over the library decides that any material in the collection is not constitutionally protected, such material will be removed. Material under court consideration will remain available to patrons until a final court ruling is made after all appeals are exhausted.

Gifts & Donations:

The library is willing to accept donations of new or gently used current novels and non-fiction books, children’s books, audiobooks, and DVDs. Please note that we do not accept donations of outdated informational books, textbooks or encyclopedias, books with torn pages or missing covers, magazines, newspapers, CDs, or VHS tapes. Monetary memorial donations are appreciated and used with the request of donors. The Director must deem donated items needed and/or appropriate for the collection per this collection development policy. If any donated items are deemed not suitable, they will be added to the library’s book sale.


A current, attractive, and useful collection is maintained through a process of continual withdrawal and replacement called weeding. Items may be withdrawn based on these criteria: lack of item demand, item condition, current relevance or accuracy, usefulness, publishing date, availability of newer or more valid materials, and space limitations.

Withdrawn materials will be disposed of responsibly through the library’s relationships with reselling and recycling vendors. Some items may be donated to local book sales. This ongoing process is authorized by the Board of Trustees and is the responsibility of the Library Director.

Reconsideration of Materials

Although materials are carefully selected, there can arise differences of opinion regarding a materials’ suitability. The library will challenge the censorship of any materials in an effort to provide complete and accurate information on all sides of an issue and to foster intellectual freedom.

Parents and legal guardians always have the right and the responsibility to educate their minor children about the books and other materials that may be best for them. No other adult should make those decisions for other parents’ or guardians’ children.

Selection of library materials will not be inhibited by the possibility that materials may come into the possession of children.

Procedure for Requesting Material Review/Reconsideration

Library users with a concern about a material owned by the Library should:

  1. Complete a “Request for Material Review” form (Appendix A)
  2. Submit the completed form to the Library Director in the supplied envelope
  3. Attend public library board meetings

Library Response:

  • The Library Director reviews the request and presents findings to the Library Board of Trustees.
  • Alternately, the Director may request that Library Board President appoint an ad hoc committee comprised of three (3) Library Board of Trustees; none of whom posed the challenge, is related to the challenger, or is affiliated with the organization bringing the challenge; to review the request with the director and to present findings to the full Library Board of Trustees.
  • In all cases, materials are to be judged based on the entire work, not on selected excerpts.
  • The individual requesting material review will be notified of meeting dates.
  • The library item under review shall remain in place and accessible throughout the the process.
  • One copy of the final report from the Library Board of Trustees shall be given to the petitioner, one copy to the Library Director, and one copy shall remain in the Library Board of Trustees’ official records. The decision of the Library Board of Trustees will be final.
  • Requests to reconsider materials, which have previously undergone the reconsideration process, will not be reevaluated unless more than 60 months (five years) have passed since completion of the last review.


The Elmwood Public Library (“EPL”) believes that private initiative has an important role in extending and enriching the services of the library. The EPL Board of Trustees (“library board”) establishes this policy to set guidelines for accepting gifts and donations. 


  1. The library board is authorized to receive, manage and dispose of gifts and donations for library purposes per Wis. Stat. § 43.58(7).
  2. Gifts and donations for the library should be of such nature that usage of them falls within the mission of the EPL.
  3. Gifts and donations are an addition or supplement to, not a reduction of, the EPL operating budget.
  4. Gifts and donations should be complete and may be refused if the expenditure of library funds is necessary to make the gift item usable or they result in ongoing operating costs to EPL such as staffing or special maintenance. Any such gift requires library board approval for acceptance.
  5. EPL accepts gifts and donations of the following:
    1. Donations of new or gently used books, media and periodical materials
      1. Materials will be evaluated by the Library Director and may or may not be added to the collection.
      2. EPL reserves the right to refuse items based on format, condition, volume of items received in specific formats and ability to use the format.
    2. Monetary gifts, trusts, real property and stocks
      1. Gifts of cash, real property, stocks, trusts, etc. will be accepted. Such resources may be used to purchase materials in keeping with the EPL’s collection and not for general operating expenditures.
      2. The purchase of specifically identified titles or the funding of specifically dictated programs or services with such funds cannot be guaranteed, nor does the donor have the right of approval of titles or services before purchase. However, donors are encouraged to recommend subject areas.
      3. The acceptance of these items is subject to the approval of the library board.
    3. Art, personal property, other objects, and collections
      1. Donations of art, personal property, other objects and collections will be accepted if such items have a use in the library or if the sale of such items can benefit EPL’s mission.
      2. Acceptance of these items does not guarantee display within the library. 
  6. Receipts, Appraisals, Memorial, Recognition:
    1. EPL does not assign a monetary value to gifts or donations, and the appraisal of gifts or donations to EPL for tax purposes is the responsibility of the donor.
    2. In Honor/Memory of a loved one with a donation of $50 or more will choose a color leaf of their choice (red, green, orange, yellow). The leaf will have (name) engraved and will be placed on the memorial wall.
    3. The EPL will furnish appropriate acknowledgment for gifts or donations upon request, in the form of a receipt.
    4. Programs and services made possible by gift funds will include recognition of such benefactors in their supporting literature.
  7. Disposal of gifts and donations:
    1. The library reserves the right at all times to dispose of any gift or donation without notification to the donor if in the judgment of the staff such item no longer serves the purposes of the library.
    2. Disposal of gifts or donations will fall in compliance with this policy.


    Patron Eligibility

    1. Homebound Service will be provided to the residents of Elmwood who are not able to come into the library. Patrons who identify as “homebound”, which is defined as being generally confined to the residence either temporarily, due to illness or accident, or permanently, due to age, unreliable transport, disability or other mobility problems.
    2. Patrons must fill out the Elmwood Public Library Homebound Application to be considered for the program.
    3. The patron must be in good standing to qualify for this service.

    Library Card Registration/Use

    1. Each homebound patron must possess or register for a library card if s/he does not already have one.
    2. A file containing homebound services registration forms, including library barcode, will be maintained at the circulation desk for use in checking out materials to these patrons.
    3. If the patron does not have a valid card, an application will be filled out by phone or in person and the librarian/volunteer* will bring the card application and the homebound service application with them for the patron’s signature on the first delivery date.

    *​NOTE​ ­ All volunteers and library staff must undergo a criminal background check.

    Delivery Schedule/Loan Period

    Materials will be delivered approximately once a month. The schedule of delivery is up to the discretion of the patron and delivery volunteer to coordinate. At the time that new materials are delivered, the items from the previous delivery will be retrieved and returned to the library.


    1. There is no fee for homebound delivery. Overdue fines will not be charged on homebound materials, but the library’s standard fee schedule will apply for damaged or lost items.
    2. The Elmwood Public Library retains the right to discontinue service if borrowed items are lost, damaged, and/or not returned in the same condition as they were delivered.

    Materials Available for Homebound Delivery

    1. All formats of materials are eligible for homebound delivery
    2. Each delivery will be limited to one bag of materials or approximately 25 –30 items.
    3. If a material desired is not owned by the Elmwood Public Library it can be requested by contacting library staff at (715) 639-2615 or logging into the MORE system with their library card


      If a material is desired longer than the four week delivery schedule, then a patron should contact library staff at (715) 639-2615 or log into their library account on the MORE system for a renewal.

      Homebound Environment Required for Delivery

      1. Volunteers are unable to assist patrons with other errands, household chores, etc. They are there for library purposes.
      2. Volunteers are not to search for missing or misplaced library items. It is the responsibility of the Patron to keep track of all materials for return.
      3. Patrons requesting homebound delivery services must provide a safe and appropriate environment for all volunteers and staff members who make deliveries to their homes and patrons must protect all library materials while in their custody. Volunteers or staff members reserve the right to choose not to enter a home, to leave a home immediately and/or to recommend suspension of the service if any of the following conditions exist:
        • Pets are not confined (with the exception of service animals trained to assist a disabled person).
        • A clear and safe path to the home, with snow shoveled and ice removed.
        • Any person in the home is dressed in revealing attire.
        • Any person in the home presents threatening behavior.
        • Any person in the home uses abusive or obscene language, makes obscene gestures or displays obscene images.
        • Any person in the home harasses the library’s representative.
        • Any person in the home exhibits signs of illness that may jeopardize the health of the library’s representative and the library has not be notified of the illness.
        • Any person is smoking inside the home at the time of the library’s delivery.
        • Any person is engaging in any illegal activity in the home at the time of the library’s delivery.
        • Conditions in the home are unsafe or unsanitary
      4. If a volunteer or staff member must leave the home, deny service, or wishes to recommend suspension of service because the occurrence of any of the above is deemed to make the home environment for delivery unsafe or inappropriate, the volunteer or staff member shall provide the Elmwood Library Director with notice of why such action occurred together with any recommendation for length of suspension of service.
      5. The Elmwood Library Director shall send written notice to the patron of the reason for and the length of any continuing suspension of service.
      6. Any homebound patron may request in writing that the suspension of service be reviewed by the Board of Trustees at the next monthly Board Meeting.